What is sweeter than seeing the man you love and the daughter you are head over heals for all dressed up and ready to dance the night away? Not much!
On Friday, John and Lindsey attended their first Daddy Daughter Dance. John was decked out in his suit and Lindsey was sporting her new red velvety dress with a little bow in front. John's best friend Blair and his daugther Bailey were also attending. We all met up at the Childrens Museum around 5:45 for pictures. Several moms were lingering outside ohhhing and ahhhing at every little girl and daddy that went in.
John said it was very well organized and amazingly not too crazy inside given that there were probably 50 - 75 little girls under the age of 6! They had a catered dinner, dancing, crafts, t-shirts and door prizes. Lindsey was a little young for most of the activities, but she seemed to have a great time and even made me (with some help from Dad of course) a pretty little picture holder. She fell in love with this one room with a large tree house in it and even started to go down slides!
We picked up our loved ones at 9 pm. They were still full of energy and not ready to go home. As Lindsey made a break for it to get back inside, John informed me she was tough to keep up with. I couldn't help myself, I had to say it, "You know I do that everyday, all day, right?"
After a quick detour to visit MiMi Betty and a quick change into our PJ's (note to all Moms out there, if you are not already packing PJ's and toothbrush in a bag in your car, start now. Thanks to Brandi for teaching me that!) Lindsey was out before we made it to the first stoplight and slept until 10 am the next morning.
At first there was a part of me that was sad that I couldn't go in and watch them. Looking back now, it was good for us. It gave John and Lindsey some quality time together, gave John a better appreciation of what I do on a daily basis (I hope anyway) and gave me a much needed opportunity to go to dinner, have adult conversation and drink a real soda without having to worry about someone wanting a sip!

that is soooooo stinken cute! I love her red dress!
that is the sweetest! one of the many perks of having a little girl :)
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