Once again, I have fallen far behind in the blog department. Do not worry however, it is not the only department that is suffering. It is right there with boxes still cluttering my house, pictures trapped in my digital camera, birthday presents still not mailed. It is official, I am in a constant state of being behind. Since I haven't posted pictures in a while, I thought I would do so. Granted these are old, but something is better than nothing. The first is a picture of Lindsey and John at Greene's Smokehouse. Lindsey fell in love with the stuffed armadillo that could hold a beer bottle. The second picture is of Lindsey right after she was finally big enough to turn around and face the front of the car. Can you tell she was happy about this? :)
Besides being behind, life is great. Sixteen months is such a fun age. Lindsey pretty much runs everywhere. She is talking up a storm. We can't understand everything of course, but her vocabulary includes: Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Ro-Ro, Ra-Ra, (Ro-Ro and Ra-Ra are my sister Rosemary and my niece Robin), doggie, woof-woof, meow, easy, cat, bye-bye, hi and the always favorite, diddle-diddle. There are others she has said once but these are the ones we have mastered ;) Currently Sissy is her favorite word. First thing in the morning she runs to Sissy's room (our master bathroom) and stands there and yells, "SISSY, SISSY, SISSY!" It sounds bad to say this but I think it is a blessing that Sissy is deaf and can't hear the craziness.
We start Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) tomorrow. I am so excited. It is going to be a good experience for us both I am sure. Lindsey goes to the nursery and there are programs for the moms. Lindsey has no problems with separation, but Mommy might so we will just hope for the best!

Oh my gosh! Big girl car seat!! I'm in denial... She's growing up way to quickly!
I can't believe how big she's getting! Just precious
WOW - she's growing! And I can't believe how much she's talking! And OMG! I can't wait to see you soon!
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